Someone who has been addicted to narcotics, can be viewed from different angles, for example of ethics that suddenly is not good, body condition change. To find out the signs of drug addicts, please refer to the following explanation:
1. Changing Behavior
Changes in a person's attitude or behavior could be due to the reactions of the results of consuming illicit goods. Consider the people around you, if the person is initially jovial and then suddenly become more moody, sensitive, and grumpy. Or otherwise they are reticent to be more cheerful, easy laughter.
2. Often Drowsiness
The use of narcotics of any kind there are good and bad effects. If he is fit, he will always be energetic and diligent. Sometimes it can make the body become more fat but the skin is not tight.
Conversely, if it does not match, the wearer will experience a decrease in the spirit of power, such as easy sleepiness, frequent yawning, become lazy and dreamy. The candidates or who have this addiction usually starts indifferent to the circumstances and rarely bathe and do not care about appearance.
3. Often truant
When he was a schoolboy or an office worker or perhaps a service member, usually they suddenly become slacker incredible, so would rather not carry out obligations / truancy. These circles also seldom are at home and often avoid events made family or friends.
4. Achievement Descending
This characteristic is still something to do with absenteeism, sleepiness, and daydreaming. Achievement will decrease drastically because of frequent absences to follow the lessons in school.
5. Love Select Friend
The addict will only be comfortable with them equally addict, and this is a common thing. If you are an addict friend, he will be away from his old friends who do not like the consumption of narcotics.
6. Love Stealing / Rob / pinch / Unlawful
Narcotics is one luxury item, if a person has chosen to live always air-dependence with him, then he must prepare a lot of money every day. Moreover, the reaction after consuming narcotics is their unconscious soul / more often act beyond logic. Consequently, these circles will not have time to think about what will happen for the offense.
7. Stress
Someone who started drug addiction often feel restless and disturbed sleep. They also became suspicious and often worried about something.
8. Senile
Drugs also cause damage to the nerves of the brain so that it will be quickly forgotten even for a very important thing. They are so confused, stupid and as people who are confused.
9. Red Eye
They become often wear sunglasses, but not because of style or to look mysterious, addicts will try to cover up their red eyes like a sleepy.
The characteristics of the Narcotics Addiction People Based on type the drugs consumed.
1. Drug pills (ecstasy, happy five, inex).
In a conversation, addicted to pills will usually prefer inconsequential, sal sound and it is unclear what the purpose of what he said.
Not comfortable at home and are always happy when I heard the music DJ, the face looks tired, often chapped lips and a body like sweating, often insecure after inex effect is lost.
2. Cannabis
Cannabis users tend to like sweating, lack of confidence in public / look nervous. The reason, because smoking marijuana use as it can lead to nasal congestion and runny like being exposed to the flu.
Body condition tends shabby, red eyes, eyelids mengattup continue, fond of eating because the stomach feel hungry continues, laughing when involved in a conversation.
3. Sabu-Sabu
Use of methamphetamine cause itching of the nose, So do not be surprised if the type of methamphetamine addicts Narcotics really like rubbing his nose. When methamphetamine is inhaled and expelled through the nose, there are an itching sensation in the nostrils. In fact, users of this type will always feel bitter in the mouth.
Methamphetamine addicts easily agitated and awry when performing an action, rarely willing eyes when spoken to, and the eyes are often darting to and fro. His character, the easier it will be suspicious of something, especially against someone who had known him. Like body condition despite being in cold sweat, like angry and very sensitive / easy tersingung.
4. Addicts putauw
Narcotics addict putau type is usually a loner in a dark place while listening to music, lazy bath for body condition is always cold, thin bodies, lackluster and faded and always apathetic towards the opposite sex.
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