Sobat ingin memainkan game Android di komputer atau laptopnya ? Sobat bisa menjalankan berbagai aplikasi Android pada PC kamu dengan menggunakan software BlueStacks. Simak cara install BlueStacks di komputer atau laptop sobat.
Saat sobat menggunakan smartphone Android, terkadang sobat menemukan aplikasi yang menarik dan sepertinya dapat berguna jika dapat diinstall pada komputer. Hal ini sobat bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan emulator yang memungkinkan aplikasi Android dijalankan pada PC.
BlueStacks adalah software emulator Android yang memungkinkan sobat untuk dengan mudah men-download dan install aplikasi Android favorit Sobat ke Komputer.
Untuk memudahkan penggunanya, BlueStacks terintegrasi dengan sistem PC. Klik My Computer dan Sobat akan menemukan folder My Apps. Disini, Sobat bisa membuat shortcut untuk aplikasi yang sobat miliki dan menempatkannya di desktop untuk mempermudah akses.
Karena sebagian besar aplikasi Android saat ini dirancang untuk tablet, maka tampilan aplikasi sangat cocok digunakan pada PC.
Kemudian sobat dapat menggunakan mouse sebagai pengganti jari ketika mengakses dan mengoperasikan berbagai aplikasi yang ada. Jika kamu menggunakan PC touchscreen, maka sobat bisa mengoperasikannya seperti pada smartphone atau tablet Android.
BlueStacks juga menyediakan beberapa tombol di bagian bawah sebagai pengganti softkey yang biasa ditemukan pada device Android, yang tentunya menjadi bagian penting dalam menjalankan software ini.
Kelik DI SINI ! untuk mendowload
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016
Perusahaan Pokemon dan pengembang Niantic telah berbagi rincian baru tentang Pokemon Go for Android/IOS. Permainan free-to-play yang akan datang memungkinkan Anda menangkap Pokemon di dunia nyata, sekarang Anda dapat men-download Pokemon Go APK sekarang dan menginstal game ke dalam ponsel Anda, yakin, game ini akan membuat Anda menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk menangkap pokemon seluruh dunia dan Indonesia.
Pokemon GO APK 2016 – Permainan ini resmi dirilis di Jepang.Di Indonesia, Anda dapat dengan mudah men-download melalui alat dukungan kami di bawah ini. Sejumlah pilihan permainan Pokemon Go:
Maps: Di sini Anda dapat melacak dan menandai Pokemon yang dapat Anda menangkap.
Pokemon Desk : Cari semua informasi tentang pokemon
PokeBall : Gunakan item ini untuk menangkap pokemon
Bag: Ini adalah item yang berisi segala sesuatu dari bermain, Anda dapat memperluas dengan naik level
Maps: Di sini Anda dapat melacak dan menandai Pokemon yang dapat Anda menangkap.
Pokemon Desk : Cari semua informasi tentang pokemon
PokeBall : Gunakan item ini untuk menangkap pokemon
Bag: Ini adalah item yang berisi segala sesuatu dari bermain, Anda dapat memperluas dengan naik level
Cara Download dan Install Game Pokemon Go Android :
- Download POKEMON GO DI SINI !!! dan install.
- Buke aplikasi Anda hanya diinstal dan menunggu sekitar 15s.
- Tekan Tombol hijau kemudian menunggu permainan diunduh
- Install Game Pokemon Go APK dan Enjoy!
Pokemon GO Additional Information
- File Size: 61.357 MB
- Package Name : com.nianticlabs.pokemongo
- Version : 0.29.2 (terbaru)
- Required Android Version: Android 4.4 and higher
Cara bermain Pokemon Go Android/IOS:
Download Pokemon Go APK – Ponsel Anda akan bergetar jika Pokemon dekatnya. Pada titik ini, seperti di game Pokemon, Anda dapat mencoba untuk menangkap Pokemon dengan menggunakan kontrol berbasis sentuh pada ponsel Anda dan melemparkan “Pokeball“. Ini, dan lainnya “item khusus,” dapat ditemukan di PokeStops di dunia nyata, meskipun tidak ada tempat-tempat tertentu yang terungkap.
Juga seperti permainan Pokemon lainnya, karena Anda maju, tingkat Anda akan meningkat.Ini akan membiarkan Anda menangkap Pokemon lebih kuat dan menggunakan “Inventory” Anda dengan item yang lebih baik.
Juga seperti permainan Pokemon lainnya, karena Anda maju, tingkat Anda akan meningkat.Ini akan membiarkan Anda menangkap Pokemon lebih kuat dan menggunakan “Inventory” Anda dengan item yang lebih baik.
fitur game Pokemon Go:
- game augmented reality mobile dengan fitur yang besar.
- Cari dan menangkap banyak Pokemon di seluruh dunia
- dukungan hampir semua perangkat Android
- Grafis game super realitas dan 3D
- Lebih dari 5000 + Pokemon untuk Anda dan gamer menangkap
- Fitur tambahan seperti: Berlangganan pokemon, Mencari informasi tentang Pokémon apapun, Pertukaran Pokemon dengan pemain lain…
- Free-to-play dan lebih
How To Stop From Savu Savu and Drugs - Indonesia has a vast territory and large population. With the number of people that so much would be a serious problem for the country. Java Island which is one of Indonesia's island is owned by only 7% of the total area of Indonesia. However inhabited by about 60% of Indonesia's population, making it the most populous Palau and negative impact. Among of the negative impact of population growth, among others:
1. Lack of Employment
Competition for the jobs. This competition occurs because population growth in Indonesia is very high but it is not followed by an increase in the number of jobs created by the government, causing rising unemployment in Indonesia.
2. Obtain Competition Points Now settled
Competition to get a decent home for habitation with a population density based on Java so this is not impossible because it is caused by the uncontrolled population growth.
3. Increased Number of Poverty
Another impact of the overcrowding that occurs is the increasing number of poverty attributable to two factors above.
Factors above could be the high stress levels of society, so this could be the one taking the wrong steps. For those who have the ability, then sometimes they chose to eliminate his stes by consuming shabu shabu.
Other factors that make people to consume methamphetamine is due to the family environment, where he dwells, and even his own. Cause families are prevalent, where the effect of a broken home, or for families who paid little attention to the perpetrator. Akibannya he find a way to eliminate the problems he faces with consuming methamphetamine.
What sense Sabu- methamphetamine? Methamphetamine is another name for methamphetamine containing psikostimulansia and sympathomimetic drugs. In Indonesia the development of methamphetamine has been terkolong severe. This deadly drug for the first created in Japan in 1893 by Nagai Nagayoshi.
Methamphetamine or methamphetamine is an illegal drug that is to be stated by the Indonesian government and included in the category of cocaine and other stimulant drugs -perangsang emotions. Telarang drugs are often used by all ages who have experienced various problems.
This substance is a substance which contains harmful chemicals and has a very strong influence and is able to systematically destroy the body. As a result of methamphetamine including memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior (the behavior like crazy), as well as potentially damaging to the heart and brain.
Methamphetamine or methamphetamine is very addictive and has the effect of making a person's body becomes a dependency that can only be restored with the use of the drug.
Many people are first exposed to the influence of methamphetamine adalalah people just trial and caba. From trial and error they become addicted. Addiction happens sometimes only happens with a try, then became dependent on methamphetamine. Many people are looking for ways to treat methamphetamine addiction, how to recover methamphetamine addiction and branches to eliminate the influence of methamphetamine. However, the influence of methamphetamine is very difficult to treat and many of the people who are hooked on this drug to die in this trap.
How to recognize methamphetamine?
Characteristics of methamphetamine or methamphetamine he is a white crystalline powder that is odorless, has a bitter taste and dissolves easily in water or alcohol. Color of methamphetamine not only white colored but now there are colored brown, gray, orange and even pink. Methamphetamine can be in the form of tablets, powder suction, made into a cigarette can also be used with injections.
These raw materials manufacture of methamphetamine?
Differences of Methamphetamine or shabu shabu which is made of synthetic artificial chemical substances while cocaine is made from plants.
How to Stop of using methamphetamine addiction, how to recover from methamphetamine dependence and branches eliminate the effects of the influence of methamphetamine the most powerful is to have the intention Read means that there is a strong desire to quit consuming methamphetamine.
However ourselves if it had been taking methamphetamine and wanted to stop then the first step is to have the intention to stop time so that others can easily traversed.
The following tips and how to stop taking methamphetamine:
1. Intention
Intention is the beginning of all his, with the strong intention will arise a strong desire to stop using methamphetamine. The trick is that you only need to say at heart "My strong desire to stop using methamphetamine". God willing member of your body will follow him, because all the action was initiated with good intentions which we are aware and we do not realize. With good intentions of all these elements will help us, especially the Creator God will help us to stop. Embed this intention in earnest.
2. Willingness
By having a strong intention will display a strong will, too. By having the intention and willingness steely then what we do is certainly a tangible act means that we do not talk doang alias Omdo. "WHERE THERE WILL there must be WAY" words of wisdom will be very suitable for your support.
3. Persistence (Istiqomah)
After two things above you have, then you should still be able to do it every time that means you must remain firm (constancy) and consistent in carrying out the intention and willingness "to quit methamphetamine" so you do not care about their temptations and obstacles that will facing. To menduykukung your willingness to quit consuming methamphetamine a good idea to ask for help from people around you to help you to keep istiqomah. This person will help you during the withdrawal process so that people close like a girlfriend, brother, sister or parent can help to control your actions. Hopefully they can help you to quickly recover.
4. Suggestion
The suggestion was an order that came from our own subconscious. Here we will hypnotize ourselves to stop using methamphetamine. With hypnosis we will heal ourselves with the stimulant effects or stimulants into the subconscious to do in response to that impulse. This process can be done by hypnotizing yourself to stop using methamphetamine.
Then how the application or use of suggestion in the rehabilitation of drug addicts? The following sentences that you can use to be embedded in your mind:
• At the time of the morning, especially when I wake up you should express verbally or in the liver as well as the following sentence (as much as possible, and at least 7 times respectively) the following words,
# I could stop taking methamphetamine or drug
# I can escape from a fellow addict
# Alqowiyyu (God is Strong)
# Arrohman (God the Merciful)
# Arrohim (God the Merciful)
# DLLs, you can add your own words positive
• At the time of withdrawal,
- Sit quiet (to do pososisi sit cross-legged meditation like that makes you feel comfortable
- Please tetesi cotton with aromatherapy oils like lavender, the scent of lemon balm, chamomile aroma or scent of geraniums and other relaxation process. This fragrance will spread throughout the room if you approach in a booth near a fan or air conditioning.
- Perform this movement Wipe your ears alone dengna using your hands or if you are able to press the point nerves are behind the ear, which is located near the bottom of the next play small with both left and right hands each holding its own position , Nerve point you hold it is the balance point of the head, the effect of dizziness and stomach became queasy even appear urge to vomit. Let yourself throw up, so the gag expected toxins due to methamphetamine and drugs in the body out.
- Say orally even in the liver (as much as possible and at least 7 times each of the following sentences:
# Drugs evil
# Drugs unclean
# Drugs can destroy the body
# Drugs can damage family harmony
# Drugs can make die
# Drugs can make go to jail
# Drugs could bankrupt
- Etc., you can add your own words that are negative for drugs that are easier to remember when therapy is executed.
5. Confident Against God
even if you are treated with a prescription from a doctor, religious scholars, therapists and psychiatrists, all you have to believe is that you will be cured with Permission of Allah. Drugs that they provide is an intermediary, then rest assured God will help you to quit methamphetamine and drugs.
6. Stay away from the neighborhood or friends Sabu and drug users
To make you easy to stop using methamphetamine or drugs then you need to avoid to make friends with them shabu and drug user. This is done for a faster recovery process so that you are not affected anymore dengna them.
7. Expand to pray and Being closer to God
Complain about your problems to God is the drug most good. For Muslims weapon is prayer. By praying to God heart will be calm and we will avoid the problem. Then you must be sincere about what has happened and grateful tehadap what you get. That God was very fond of his servants to approach. And God always opened the door of forgiveness for people who want bertaubat.Dengan hope that God always gives us strength in the face of all trials. Rest assured against Him and you will be able to overcome drug addiction and methamphetamine.
How To Stop From Savu Savu and Drugs - Indonesia has a vast territory and large population. With the number of people that so much would be a serious problem for the country. Java Island which is one of Indonesia's island is owned by only 7% of the total area of Indonesia. However inhabited by about 60% of Indonesia's population, making it the most populous Palau and negative impact. Among of the negative impact of population growth, among others:
1. Lack of Employment
Competition for the jobs. This competition occurs because population growth in Indonesia is very high but it is not followed by an increase in the number of jobs created by the government, causing rising unemployment in Indonesia.
2. Obtain Competition Points Now settled
Competition to get a decent home for habitation with a population density based on Java so this is not impossible because it is caused by the uncontrolled population growth.
3. Increased Number of Poverty
Another impact of the overcrowding that occurs is the increasing number of poverty attributable to two factors above.
Factors above could be the high stress levels of society, so this could be the one taking the wrong steps. For those who have the ability, then sometimes they chose to eliminate his stes by consuming shabu shabu.
Other factors that make people to consume methamphetamine is due to the family environment, where he dwells, and even his own. Cause families are prevalent, where the effect of a broken home, or for families who paid little attention to the perpetrator. Akibannya he find a way to eliminate the problems he faces with consuming methamphetamine.
What sense Sabu- methamphetamine? Methamphetamine is another name for methamphetamine containing psikostimulansia and sympathomimetic drugs. In Indonesia the development of methamphetamine has been terkolong severe. This deadly drug for the first created in Japan in 1893 by Nagai Nagayoshi.
Methamphetamine or methamphetamine is an illegal drug that is to be stated by the Indonesian government and included in the category of cocaine and other stimulant drugs -perangsang emotions. Telarang drugs are often used by all ages who have experienced various problems.
This substance is a substance which contains harmful chemicals and has a very strong influence and is able to systematically destroy the body. As a result of methamphetamine including memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior (the behavior like crazy), as well as potentially damaging to the heart and brain.
Methamphetamine or methamphetamine is very addictive and has the effect of making a person's body becomes a dependency that can only be restored with the use of the drug.
Many people are first exposed to the influence of methamphetamine adalalah people just trial and caba. From trial and error they become addicted. Addiction happens sometimes only happens with a try, then became dependent on methamphetamine. Many people are looking for ways to treat methamphetamine addiction, how to recover methamphetamine addiction and branches to eliminate the influence of methamphetamine. However, the influence of methamphetamine is very difficult to treat and many of the people who are hooked on this drug to die in this trap.
How to recognize methamphetamine?
Characteristics of methamphetamine or methamphetamine he is a white crystalline powder that is odorless, has a bitter taste and dissolves easily in water or alcohol. Color of methamphetamine not only white colored but now there are colored brown, gray, orange and even pink. Methamphetamine can be in the form of tablets, powder suction, made into a cigarette can also be used with injections.
These raw materials manufacture of methamphetamine?
Differences of Methamphetamine or shabu shabu which is made of synthetic artificial chemical substances while cocaine is made from plants.
How to Stop of using methamphetamine addiction, how to recover from methamphetamine dependence and branches eliminate the effects of the influence of methamphetamine the most powerful is to have the intention Read means that there is a strong desire to quit consuming methamphetamine.
However ourselves if it had been taking methamphetamine and wanted to stop then the first step is to have the intention to stop time so that others can easily traversed.
The following tips and how to stop taking methamphetamine:
1. Intention
Intention is the beginning of all his, with the strong intention will arise a strong desire to stop using methamphetamine. The trick is that you only need to say at heart "My strong desire to stop using methamphetamine". God willing member of your body will follow him, because all the action was initiated with good intentions which we are aware and we do not realize. With good intentions of all these elements will help us, especially the Creator God will help us to stop. Embed this intention in earnest.
2. Willingness
By having a strong intention will display a strong will, too. By having the intention and willingness steely then what we do is certainly a tangible act means that we do not talk doang alias Omdo. "WHERE THERE WILL there must be WAY" words of wisdom will be very suitable for your support.
3. Persistence (Istiqomah)
After two things above you have, then you should still be able to do it every time that means you must remain firm (constancy) and consistent in carrying out the intention and willingness "to quit methamphetamine" so you do not care about their temptations and obstacles that will facing. To menduykukung your willingness to quit consuming methamphetamine a good idea to ask for help from people around you to help you to keep istiqomah. This person will help you during the withdrawal process so that people close like a girlfriend, brother, sister or parent can help to control your actions. Hopefully they can help you to quickly recover.
4. Suggestion
The suggestion was an order that came from our own subconscious. Here we will hypnotize ourselves to stop using methamphetamine. With hypnosis we will heal ourselves with the stimulant effects or stimulants into the subconscious to do in response to that impulse. This process can be done by hypnotizing yourself to stop using methamphetamine.
Then how the application or use of suggestion in the rehabilitation of drug addicts? The following sentences that you can use to be embedded in your mind:
• At the time of the morning, especially when I wake up you should express verbally or in the liver as well as the following sentence (as much as possible, and at least 7 times respectively) the following words,
# I could stop taking methamphetamine or drug
# I can escape from a fellow addict
# Alqowiyyu (God is Strong)
# Arrohman (God the Merciful)
# Arrohim (God the Merciful)
# DLLs, you can add your own words positive
• At the time of withdrawal,
- Sit quiet (to do pososisi sit cross-legged meditation like that makes you feel comfortable
- Please tetesi cotton with aromatherapy oils like lavender, the scent of lemon balm, chamomile aroma or scent of geraniums and other relaxation process. This fragrance will spread throughout the room if you approach in a booth near a fan or air conditioning.
- Perform this movement Wipe your ears alone dengna using your hands or if you are able to press the point nerves are behind the ear, which is located near the bottom of the next play small with both left and right hands each holding its own position , Nerve point you hold it is the balance point of the head, the effect of dizziness and stomach became queasy even appear urge to vomit. Let yourself throw up, so the gag expected toxins due to methamphetamine and drugs in the body out.
- Say orally even in the liver (as much as possible and at least 7 times each of the following sentences:
# Drugs evil
# Drugs unclean
# Drugs can destroy the body
# Drugs can damage family harmony
# Drugs can make die
# Drugs can make go to jail
# Drugs could bankrupt
- Etc., you can add your own words that are negative for drugs that are easier to remember when therapy is executed.
5. Confident Against God
even if you are treated with a prescription from a doctor, religious scholars, therapists and psychiatrists, all you have to believe is that you will be cured with Permission of Allah. Drugs that they provide is an intermediary, then rest assured God will help you to quit methamphetamine and drugs.
6. Stay away from the neighborhood or friends Sabu and drug users
To make you easy to stop using methamphetamine or drugs then you need to avoid to make friends with them shabu and drug user. This is done for a faster recovery process so that you are not affected anymore dengna them.
7. Expand to pray and Being closer to God
Complain about your problems to God is the drug most good. For Muslims weapon is prayer. By praying to God heart will be calm and we will avoid the problem. Then you must be sincere about what has happened and grateful tehadap what you get. That God was very fond of his servants to approach. And God always opened the door of forgiveness for people who want bertaubat.Dengan hope that God always gives us strength in the face of all trials. Rest assured against Him and you will be able to overcome drug addiction and methamphetamine.
the characteristic features of people addicted to drugs
Someone who has been addicted to narcotics, can be viewed from different angles, for example of ethics that suddenly is not good, body condition change. To find out the signs of drug addicts, please refer to the following explanation:
1. Changing Behavior
Changes in a person's attitude or behavior could be due to the reactions of the results of consuming illicit goods. Consider the people around you, if the person is initially jovial and then suddenly become more moody, sensitive, and grumpy. Or otherwise they are reticent to be more cheerful, easy laughter.
2. Often Drowsiness
The use of narcotics of any kind there are good and bad effects. If he is fit, he will always be energetic and diligent. Sometimes it can make the body become more fat but the skin is not tight.
Conversely, if it does not match, the wearer will experience a decrease in the spirit of power, such as easy sleepiness, frequent yawning, become lazy and dreamy. The candidates or who have this addiction usually starts indifferent to the circumstances and rarely bathe and do not care about appearance.
3. Often truant
When he was a schoolboy or an office worker or perhaps a service member, usually they suddenly become slacker incredible, so would rather not carry out obligations / truancy. These circles also seldom are at home and often avoid events made family or friends.
4. Achievement Descending
This characteristic is still something to do with absenteeism, sleepiness, and daydreaming. Achievement will decrease drastically because of frequent absences to follow the lessons in school.
5. Love Select Friend
The addict will only be comfortable with them equally addict, and this is a common thing. If you are an addict friend, he will be away from his old friends who do not like the consumption of narcotics.
6. Love Stealing / Rob / pinch / Unlawful
Narcotics is one luxury item, if a person has chosen to live always air-dependence with him, then he must prepare a lot of money every day. Moreover, the reaction after consuming narcotics is their unconscious soul / more often act beyond logic. Consequently, these circles will not have time to think about what will happen for the offense.
7. Stress
Someone who started drug addiction often feel restless and disturbed sleep. They also became suspicious and often worried about something.
8. Senile
Drugs also cause damage to the nerves of the brain so that it will be quickly forgotten even for a very important thing. They are so confused, stupid and as people who are confused.
9. Red Eye
They become often wear sunglasses, but not because of style or to look mysterious, addicts will try to cover up their red eyes like a sleepy.
The characteristics of the Narcotics Addiction People Based on type the drugs consumed.
1. Drug pills (ecstasy, happy five, inex).
In a conversation, addicted to pills will usually prefer inconsequential, sal sound and it is unclear what the purpose of what he said.
Not comfortable at home and are always happy when I heard the music DJ, the face looks tired, often chapped lips and a body like sweating, often insecure after inex effect is lost.
2. Cannabis
Cannabis users tend to like sweating, lack of confidence in public / look nervous. The reason, because smoking marijuana use as it can lead to nasal congestion and runny like being exposed to the flu.
Body condition tends shabby, red eyes, eyelids mengattup continue, fond of eating because the stomach feel hungry continues, laughing when involved in a conversation.
3. Sabu-Sabu
Use of methamphetamine cause itching of the nose, So do not be surprised if the type of methamphetamine addicts Narcotics really like rubbing his nose. When methamphetamine is inhaled and expelled through the nose, there are an itching sensation in the nostrils. In fact, users of this type will always feel bitter in the mouth.
Methamphetamine addicts easily agitated and awry when performing an action, rarely willing eyes when spoken to, and the eyes are often darting to and fro. His character, the easier it will be suspicious of something, especially against someone who had known him. Like body condition despite being in cold sweat, like angry and very sensitive / easy tersingung.
4. Addicts putauw
Narcotics addict putau type is usually a loner in a dark place while listening to music, lazy bath for body condition is always cold, thin bodies, lackluster and faded and always apathetic towards the opposite sex.
Someone who has been addicted to narcotics, can be viewed from different angles, for example of ethics that suddenly is not good, body condition change. To find out the signs of drug addicts, please refer to the following explanation:
1. Changing Behavior
Changes in a person's attitude or behavior could be due to the reactions of the results of consuming illicit goods. Consider the people around you, if the person is initially jovial and then suddenly become more moody, sensitive, and grumpy. Or otherwise they are reticent to be more cheerful, easy laughter.
2. Often Drowsiness
The use of narcotics of any kind there are good and bad effects. If he is fit, he will always be energetic and diligent. Sometimes it can make the body become more fat but the skin is not tight.
Conversely, if it does not match, the wearer will experience a decrease in the spirit of power, such as easy sleepiness, frequent yawning, become lazy and dreamy. The candidates or who have this addiction usually starts indifferent to the circumstances and rarely bathe and do not care about appearance.
3. Often truant
When he was a schoolboy or an office worker or perhaps a service member, usually they suddenly become slacker incredible, so would rather not carry out obligations / truancy. These circles also seldom are at home and often avoid events made family or friends.
4. Achievement Descending
This characteristic is still something to do with absenteeism, sleepiness, and daydreaming. Achievement will decrease drastically because of frequent absences to follow the lessons in school.
5. Love Select Friend
The addict will only be comfortable with them equally addict, and this is a common thing. If you are an addict friend, he will be away from his old friends who do not like the consumption of narcotics.
6. Love Stealing / Rob / pinch / Unlawful
Narcotics is one luxury item, if a person has chosen to live always air-dependence with him, then he must prepare a lot of money every day. Moreover, the reaction after consuming narcotics is their unconscious soul / more often act beyond logic. Consequently, these circles will not have time to think about what will happen for the offense.
7. Stress
Someone who started drug addiction often feel restless and disturbed sleep. They also became suspicious and often worried about something.
8. Senile
Drugs also cause damage to the nerves of the brain so that it will be quickly forgotten even for a very important thing. They are so confused, stupid and as people who are confused.
9. Red Eye
They become often wear sunglasses, but not because of style or to look mysterious, addicts will try to cover up their red eyes like a sleepy.
The characteristics of the Narcotics Addiction People Based on type the drugs consumed.
1. Drug pills (ecstasy, happy five, inex).
In a conversation, addicted to pills will usually prefer inconsequential, sal sound and it is unclear what the purpose of what he said.
Not comfortable at home and are always happy when I heard the music DJ, the face looks tired, often chapped lips and a body like sweating, often insecure after inex effect is lost.
2. Cannabis
Cannabis users tend to like sweating, lack of confidence in public / look nervous. The reason, because smoking marijuana use as it can lead to nasal congestion and runny like being exposed to the flu.
Body condition tends shabby, red eyes, eyelids mengattup continue, fond of eating because the stomach feel hungry continues, laughing when involved in a conversation.
3. Sabu-Sabu
Use of methamphetamine cause itching of the nose, So do not be surprised if the type of methamphetamine addicts Narcotics really like rubbing his nose. When methamphetamine is inhaled and expelled through the nose, there are an itching sensation in the nostrils. In fact, users of this type will always feel bitter in the mouth.
Methamphetamine addicts easily agitated and awry when performing an action, rarely willing eyes when spoken to, and the eyes are often darting to and fro. His character, the easier it will be suspicious of something, especially against someone who had known him. Like body condition despite being in cold sweat, like angry and very sensitive / easy tersingung.
4. Addicts putauw
Narcotics addict putau type is usually a loner in a dark place while listening to music, lazy bath for body condition is always cold, thin bodies, lackluster and faded and always apathetic towards the opposite sex.
Liquor Danger to Your Health
Liquor abbreviated to alcohol is a drink containing alcohol. With the many pleasures cause false pleasure, this beverage managed to become a lifestyle in the world, including in Indonesia. Not infrequently, the usual alcoholic beverages are served in a particular celebration or party. Although including fancy drinks, liquor unfortunately this could endanger the health of those who consume them.
Liquor Group
In general liquor are classified into 3 groups. The classes include:
The liquor business is a very profitable business. As with cigarettes and drugs, increasing consumers make workers involved in printing a huge advantage. Although many consumers, but of course these consumers feel the early symptoms of harmful and unpleasant.
Liquor Short-Term Effects
Symptoms of the danger posed originally by liquor, among others:
The above symptoms can be felt within a few minutes. However, the given effect can vary depending on the alcohol content of liquor is drunk. Once drunk, will arise the feeling that makes the drinker as though felt great to taste malupun will disappear by itself. Their minds seemed relieved and relaxed.
The dangers of drink kerasJika this has happened, then almost semi-conscious drinkers who need a friend to talk about things that happen to them. Even many of the drinker to tell you things that are confidential to his friend. In addition, drinking resulted in motor function is not running normally as slurred speech and unsteady. This ignorance will gradually disappear within 4 to 6 hours. After that, the drinker will feel very depressed and tired.
Senikmat any perceived by drinkers, of course not separated from the health problems that will be faced. Drinkers or heavy drinkers may be at risk of serious health problems if consumed liquor, especially if consumed regularly. Danger liquor highly lethal, while the health problems experienced by the drinker who routinely such as:
1. Alcohol causes liver to swell
Research shows that 10% to 20% of liver disease can occur due to consumption of alcohol. Well, consume too much alcohol in liquor, it can harm the liver. Because alcohol can trigger the liver to work extra to filter the liquid. Thus, the liver have swollen because they contain a lot of water in it.
2. Alcohol causes brain damage
The brain damage that can result from drinking was decreased brain function until the risk of depression and frustration is increasing. If this happens, mental health can be disturbed to cause changes in behavior patterns.
3. Alcohol can cause a decrease in function of Indra
Drinking also can cause sensory function is lowered. One of them is eye damage may occur. As a result, the eyes could experience permanent blindness.
4. Accelerate monopouse
One of the things that make the reproductive organs do not run up is because it can consume alcohol. Therefore, monopouse in women will occur more rapidly due to excessive alcohol consumption.
5. Experiencing Painful Menstrual
For women also is not recommended to consume liquor. This is because the levels lkohol contained in the drink, can make women feel pain or pain during menstruation comes.
6. Defects In Fetus
Research shows that consuming drinks berarkohol certain amounts may cause defects in babies. Although there are few studies that have not been able to prove the defects in the fetus if consumed liquor, but health experts still advise pregnant women not to consume, especially if it is during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This is done to prevent premature birth or miscarriage.
7. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is undesirable because it can cause permanent smallpox even death because of broken bones. By consuming liquor, someone turned out to be more susceptible to osteoporosis. This happens because the beverage alcohol can deplete calcium stores owned by the body.
8. Liver Cancer
Liquor also can lead to liver cancer. This can happen due to a decrease in liver function caused by liquor if drunk.
9. Damage to the Digestive System
Drink liquor in the long run will be highly at risk for chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Gastric disorders may develop, including intestinal cells can turn into malignant cells.
10. Negative Effect Of Hormone
For men, alcohol consumption can make them a testosterone deficiency. Pdahal, testosterone is necessary for the survival of osteoblasts performance.
In addition to the above health problems, drinking can also lead to other negative things. As for the other negative things that can be caused by liquor, among others:
11. Over Dose
If the liquor taken together with drugs that are harmful, the effects of which can occur many times. In fact, it could happen to overdose with severe ones.
12. Addictions
Because drinking alcohol can create a sensation of delights, then consuming alcohol can lead to a person becoming addicted. Of course if this is the case, then health can be disturbed ranging from physical to mental drinker.
13. Death
Could experience death while drunk suddenly of a heart attack, complications. Death can occur indirectly as an accident while driving and high blood pressure. Besides, he also can cause stomach acid up that can have an impact on mortality.
14. Doing Things Dangerous
Without realizing it, drink liquor could have hurt someone who was in the vicinity. This happens due to drink out of his mind. Not just someone else, he can harm for her own actions. Therefore, no infrequent drinkers in prison.
To avoid things that are not desirable due to drinking, it is necessary to early treatment that acts drinking can be prevented. One way is to provide education about the liquor which is more beneficial compared to prohibit the sale of liquor through a number of regulations. But if you already consume alcohol on a regular basis, then the healing can be done by following the therapy. One of the therapies that can be used is to write. Therefore, writing is one way that can make a person free from problems. Remember, the danger to the health of liquor so deadly.
Another way to do this is by eating nutritious food, for those who drink as much as 2 or 3 drinks a day. Nutritious foods that include vegetables, salads and fruit. Preference will be given also to choose eat, which contains calcium that osteoporosis does not come over.
Liquor abbreviated to alcohol is a drink containing alcohol. With the many pleasures cause false pleasure, this beverage managed to become a lifestyle in the world, including in Indonesia. Not infrequently, the usual alcoholic beverages are served in a particular celebration or party. Although including fancy drinks, liquor unfortunately this could endanger the health of those who consume them.
Liquor Group
In general liquor are classified into 3 groups. The classes include:
- Group A liquor with alcohol content of 1% to 5% as beer and green sand.
- Group B which liquor with alcohol content of 5% to 20% as drinks martini and wine or grape.
- Group C the liquor with alcohol content of 20% to 50% such as whiskey and brandy.
The liquor business is a very profitable business. As with cigarettes and drugs, increasing consumers make workers involved in printing a huge advantage. Although many consumers, but of course these consumers feel the early symptoms of harmful and unpleasant.
Liquor Short-Term Effects
Symptoms of the danger posed originally by liquor, among others:
- Feels Dry Mouth
- Heart beat faster
- Cause Nausea
- Difficulty Breathing
- Frequent urination
The above symptoms can be felt within a few minutes. However, the given effect can vary depending on the alcohol content of liquor is drunk. Once drunk, will arise the feeling that makes the drinker as though felt great to taste malupun will disappear by itself. Their minds seemed relieved and relaxed.
The dangers of drink kerasJika this has happened, then almost semi-conscious drinkers who need a friend to talk about things that happen to them. Even many of the drinker to tell you things that are confidential to his friend. In addition, drinking resulted in motor function is not running normally as slurred speech and unsteady. This ignorance will gradually disappear within 4 to 6 hours. After that, the drinker will feel very depressed and tired.
Senikmat any perceived by drinkers, of course not separated from the health problems that will be faced. Drinkers or heavy drinkers may be at risk of serious health problems if consumed liquor, especially if consumed regularly. Danger liquor highly lethal, while the health problems experienced by the drinker who routinely such as:
1. Alcohol causes liver to swell
Research shows that 10% to 20% of liver disease can occur due to consumption of alcohol. Well, consume too much alcohol in liquor, it can harm the liver. Because alcohol can trigger the liver to work extra to filter the liquid. Thus, the liver have swollen because they contain a lot of water in it.
2. Alcohol causes brain damage
The brain damage that can result from drinking was decreased brain function until the risk of depression and frustration is increasing. If this happens, mental health can be disturbed to cause changes in behavior patterns.
3. Alcohol can cause a decrease in function of Indra
Drinking also can cause sensory function is lowered. One of them is eye damage may occur. As a result, the eyes could experience permanent blindness.
4. Accelerate monopouse
One of the things that make the reproductive organs do not run up is because it can consume alcohol. Therefore, monopouse in women will occur more rapidly due to excessive alcohol consumption.
5. Experiencing Painful Menstrual
For women also is not recommended to consume liquor. This is because the levels lkohol contained in the drink, can make women feel pain or pain during menstruation comes.
6. Defects In Fetus
Research shows that consuming drinks berarkohol certain amounts may cause defects in babies. Although there are few studies that have not been able to prove the defects in the fetus if consumed liquor, but health experts still advise pregnant women not to consume, especially if it is during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This is done to prevent premature birth or miscarriage.
7. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is undesirable because it can cause permanent smallpox even death because of broken bones. By consuming liquor, someone turned out to be more susceptible to osteoporosis. This happens because the beverage alcohol can deplete calcium stores owned by the body.
8. Liver Cancer
Liquor also can lead to liver cancer. This can happen due to a decrease in liver function caused by liquor if drunk.
9. Damage to the Digestive System
Drink liquor in the long run will be highly at risk for chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Gastric disorders may develop, including intestinal cells can turn into malignant cells.
10. Negative Effect Of Hormone
For men, alcohol consumption can make them a testosterone deficiency. Pdahal, testosterone is necessary for the survival of osteoblasts performance.
In addition to the above health problems, drinking can also lead to other negative things. As for the other negative things that can be caused by liquor, among others:
11. Over Dose
If the liquor taken together with drugs that are harmful, the effects of which can occur many times. In fact, it could happen to overdose with severe ones.
12. Addictions
Because drinking alcohol can create a sensation of delights, then consuming alcohol can lead to a person becoming addicted. Of course if this is the case, then health can be disturbed ranging from physical to mental drinker.
13. Death
Could experience death while drunk suddenly of a heart attack, complications. Death can occur indirectly as an accident while driving and high blood pressure. Besides, he also can cause stomach acid up that can have an impact on mortality.
14. Doing Things Dangerous
Without realizing it, drink liquor could have hurt someone who was in the vicinity. This happens due to drink out of his mind. Not just someone else, he can harm for her own actions. Therefore, no infrequent drinkers in prison.
To avoid things that are not desirable due to drinking, it is necessary to early treatment that acts drinking can be prevented. One way is to provide education about the liquor which is more beneficial compared to prohibit the sale of liquor through a number of regulations. But if you already consume alcohol on a regular basis, then the healing can be done by following the therapy. One of the therapies that can be used is to write. Therefore, writing is one way that can make a person free from problems. Remember, the danger to the health of liquor so deadly.
Another way to do this is by eating nutritious food, for those who drink as much as 2 or 3 drinks a day. Nutritious foods that include vegetables, salads and fruit. Preference will be given also to choose eat, which contains calcium that osteoporosis does not come over.
The dangers of drugs
Narkoba- Danger, Drugs is an abbreviation of narcotics and dangerous drugs, the term is related to the drug compound that gives the effect of addiction for users. The dangers of drugs not only affects the physical but the mental or soul could disrupt the drug addict, because that's me in a site that is eager to share his knowledge about the dangers of drugs. In addition to providing information about herbal remedies these sites also would like to share other health information that is hopefully useful to the reader, such as information about the dangers of drugs that will be discussed now.
Drug For addict
Drug For addict The dangers of drugs-, For addicts, the dangers of drugs is not only detrimental to physical problems but will experience a mental disorder and psychosis. Actually, this drug is a psychotropic compounds commonly used by doctors or hospitals to anesthetize patients who want surgery or as a cure for a particular disease, but this perception should be dismissed due to the use beyond its function and the dose beyond the requirements. If misused, the dangers of drugs can affect the nervous system, resulting in addiction and dependency, because it affects the nervous system. This is the danger of drugs of dependence will affect the physical, psychological, and social environment.
1) The danger of drugs on physical
2) The danger of drugs on psychology
3) The danger of drugs on the social environment
Narkoba- Danger, Drugs do have different types depending, of course the effects that can be generated can vary according to its kind. Here are the dangers of drugs according to its kind:
1) Opioids:
2) Cocaine
3) Marijuana
4) ectasy
5) Shabu-shabu:
6) Benzodiazepines:
Narkoba- Danger, Drugs is an abbreviation of narcotics and dangerous drugs, the term is related to the drug compound that gives the effect of addiction for users. The dangers of drugs not only affects the physical but the mental or soul could disrupt the drug addict, because that's me in a site that is eager to share his knowledge about the dangers of drugs. In addition to providing information about herbal remedies these sites also would like to share other health information that is hopefully useful to the reader, such as information about the dangers of drugs that will be discussed now.
Drug For addict
Drug For addict The dangers of drugs-, For addicts, the dangers of drugs is not only detrimental to physical problems but will experience a mental disorder and psychosis. Actually, this drug is a psychotropic compounds commonly used by doctors or hospitals to anesthetize patients who want surgery or as a cure for a particular disease, but this perception should be dismissed due to the use beyond its function and the dose beyond the requirements. If misused, the dangers of drugs can affect the nervous system, resulting in addiction and dependency, because it affects the nervous system. This is the danger of drugs of dependence will affect the physical, psychological, and social environment.
1) The danger of drugs on physical
- Disorders of the nervous system (neurological)
- Disorders of the heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular)
- Skin disorders (dermatologist)
- Disorders of the lungs (pulmonary)
- Frequent headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea-diarrhea, increased body temperature, heart and insomnia downsizing
- Disruption of reproductive health that padaendokrin disorders, such as: a decrease in the function of reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), as well as sexual dysfunction.
- Disruption to adolescent reproductive health of women, among others, changes in menstrual periods, menstrual irregularities, and amenorhoe (not menstruating)
- For drug users through needle, especially the use of hypodermic needles in turn, the risk is of contracting diseases such as hepatitis B, C, and HIV
- The dangers of drugs can be fatal when it occurs over dose ie drug consumption exceeds the body's ability to receive it. Over dosage can cause death
2) The danger of drugs on psychology
- Work slowly and seroboh, often tense and restless
- Lost confidence, apathy, dreamer, suspiciously
- Agitational, become violent and brutal behavior
- Difficulty concentrating, feeling irritated and depressed
- Tends to hurt themselves, insecurity, and even suicide
3) The danger of drugs on the social environment
- Mental disorders
- Anti-social and immoral
- Ostracized by the environment
- Troublesome and a burden on the family
- Education was interrupted, and a bleak future
Narkoba- Danger, Drugs do have different types depending, of course the effects that can be generated can vary according to its kind. Here are the dangers of drugs according to its kind:
1) Opioids:
- Major depression
- Apathy, nervousness and restlessness
- Plenty of sleep, excessive fatigue
- Lazy to move, seizures, and heart rate quickened
- Always be suspicious, exaggerated elation, a sense of inflated self-esteem
- Lots of talk but slurred, pupils shrinking
- Increased blood pressure, sweating
- Nausea to vomiting
- injuries to the nasal septum
- Loss of appetite, weight loss
2) Cocaine
- The heartbeat quickened
- Restless, talkative
- Excessive joy, a sense of inflated self-esteem
- Convulsions, dilated pupils
- Cold sweats, nausea to vomiting
- Easy fight
- Bleeding in the brain
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Uncontrollable eye movements
- Stiffness of the neck muscles
3) Marijuana
- Puffy eyes, bags under the eyes look puffy and red and watery
- Daydreaming, hearing impaired, always laughing
- Sometimes quick to anger
- Listlessness, restlessness
- Dehydration, liver
- Bones brittle teeth
- Nerves of the brain and the optic nerve is damaged
- Schizophrenia
4) ectasy
- Energetic but his eyes glazed and his face pale, sweaty
- Hard to sleep
- Brain damage
- Dehydration
- liver disorders
- Bone and tooth loss
- No appetite
- The optic nerve is damaged
5) Shabu-shabu:
- Energetic
- Paranoid
- Hard to sleep
- It is hard to think
- Brain damage, especially the nerves that control breathing to feel shortness of breath
- Talk too much
- The heartbeat quickened
- Cerebral hemorrhage
- Shock in the coronary arteries that will lead to death.
6) Benzodiazepines:
- Stagger
- Facial redness
- Lots of talk but lisp
- Easy to get angry
- Impaired concentration
- Damage to body organs, especially the brain
So I can write an article about the dangers of drugs, may the reader can better understand the dangers of these drugs and away from it. Thank you for visiting.
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